Knowing what kind of a loan you qualify for will be a big advantage when you are shopping for new home, especially in a competitive market. Work with your financial institution or another mortgage lender you are comfortable with. Many of our clients find it helpful to consult a mortgage broker, who can streamline the […]
Author Archives: Johnny
Your Thunder Bay real estate lawyer can guide you through all stages of your home purchase: Advise you about your Offer, to make sure your interests are protected; Review the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and explain the “legalese”; Check for any claims registered against the property; Explain Title Insurance and arrange for a policy […]
When you find the Thunder Bay house you want, things will seem to move fast—but don’t put off getting in touch with a real estate lawyer. Your home is your biggest investment, and you want to make sure your deal is legally sound. As a homebuyer in Thunder Bay, one of your key decisions is […]
There may be situations where an individual voluntarily drives a car while intoxicated and it may be hard to escape a conviction in that case. But what happens if the situation is more complicated? Imagine you are intoxicated and you are aware that you cannot drive your car home so you call a cab to […]
Buying your first home may end up being the biggest purchase of your life. It’s not the same as going into a store and buying groceries or an appliance. There are a lot of things to consider. There are many steps involved in purchasing a home. You may want to consider using the services of an experienced […]
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